Februar 14, 2024
VAGRANCY - 12:26 pm - Main Door Up - male VAGRANT wearing white jacket, black pants, black shoes , entered the site then stayed and sat down out of camera view at the wheelchair ramp
12:32 pm - dispatched guard
12:46 pm - Main Door Up - guard arrived at the middle left side of the screen and approached the SUSPECT to leave
VAGRANCY - 12:49 pm -Main Door Up - male suspect stood up then walked away from the site at the middle left side of the screen
12:50 pm -Main Door Up - male guard left the area at the middle left side of the screen and patrolled at Main Gate Outside then walked inside the parkade out of camera view
12:52 pm - guard called us to inform that the suspect already left the site
12:54 pm - Main Gate Outside - silver car (guard's vehicle ) exits the parkade then drove away from the site out of camera view