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Welcome Letter Strata Manager Jeremy LimWelcome Letter Strata Manager Jeremy Lim
BCS2563 BylawsBCS2563 Bylaws
BCS2563 RulesBCS2563 Rules
Emergency Procedures & Information FormEmergency Procedures & Information Form
Garbage & RecyclingGarbage & Recycling
Moving in PackageMoving in Package
EmergenciesRancho Management 24 hour Answer Service: 604 684 4508 Strata: Fire, Police Or Ambulance: call 911.
Rancho Management Services (BC) LTDRancho Management Services (BC) LTD Financial matters, forms and information on file relating to ownership and buying or selling a unit, renovations, parking stalls, safety issues, contractor enquiries including caretaker and janitorial, concerns with windows, balconies, pipes, heating, alarms, leaks etc. Address: 8th Floor – 1125 Howe Street Vancouver, B.C. V6Z 2K8 Office hours: 9:00 – 5:00 pm Phone: 604 684 4508 Email: 24 HOUR Answer Service: 604 684 4508 Strata Agent: Jeremy Lim Hours: 9:00 am and 5:00 pm, Direct: 604 331 4236 Email:
Can I rent my condominium at Creekside?Under the Creekside condominium bylaws an owner is allowed to rent their condominium or townhouse for no less than 30 days. A Form K must be submitted to the Strata Corporation within 2 weeks of a tenant occupancy or sub-let occupancy. Please go to to acquire the form.
What kind of insurance do I need if I own at Creekside?Owners are responsible for the deductible on the insurance if they are found to have caused water or sewage backup damage. Please check with your insurance provider that you have adequate insurance coverage for your unit. Flood: $100,000 deductible Lock & Key: $250 deductible All Risk: $25,000 Sewer Back-up: $100,000 Water Damage: $100,000 Earthquake: 10% Any further questions please contact the strata agent
Notice of Tenants ResponsibilityNotice of Tenants Responsibility
Cleaning IssuesReport any issues concerning cleaning the building to: Strata Agent: Jeremy Lim Hours: 9:00 am and 5:00 pm, Direct: 604 331 4236 Email:
Parking, Storage & Bikes"Parking, Storage & Bikes
Rancho Quick Numbers, Website & Benefits Program"Rancho Quick Numbers, Website & Benefits Program
Strata Fee Schedule PolicyStrata Fee Schedule Policy
Strata’s Insurance – Owner’s Insurance
Vacation TimeVacation Time
Pre-Authorized Debit FormPre-Authorized Debit Form
Rancho Website Welcome PackageRancho Website Welcome Package
Community Room BookingsStrata Agent: Jeremy Lim Hours: 9:00 am and 5:00 pm, Direct: 604 331 4236 Email:
Fobs and KeysIf you have lost your key or require a new fob please contact the building agent Strata Agent: Jeremy Lim Hours: 9:00 am and 5:00 pm, Direct: 604 331 4236 Email:
What are pet owner’s responsibility at Creekside?Residents must register their pet(s) with the council within 30 days of the pet residing on a strata lot by providing, in writing, the name of the permitted pet(s), breed, colour and markings, together with the name, strata lot number and telephone number of the pet owner. Pet Registration forms are available from the Resident Caretaker office. Dogs must have current rabies shots and be licensed through the City of Vancouver and kept in accordance with City Animal Control By-laws. Proof of licensing and current rabies shots must be provided at time of reg. Please refer to Division 17 – Pets in the Bylaws for all rules and restrictions.
Can my children play in common property at Creekside?All children must be accompanied by an adult in common areas. A play area in the courtyard is available. As a parent please consider the noise level in the area and respect the neighbours who’s homes might overlook the play area.
What kind of insurance is needed if I am a renter at Creekside?An owner or a renter is responsible for the deductible on the insurance if they are found to have caused water or sewage backup damage. Please check with your insurance provider that you have adequate insurance coverage for your unit. Flood: $100,000 deductible Lock & Key: $250 deductible All Risk: $25,000 Sewer Back-up: $100,000 Water Damage: $100,000 Earthquake: 10% Any further questions please contact the strata agent
Who do I contact if I lost or have had my key fob stolen?Go to or Contact Jeremy Lim at Rancho at The replacement cost is $80 A strata council has a one-year term. Names are put forward for consideration and are voted on by owners the annual general meeting. The council must have at least 3 and not more than members
Instead of using Canada Post how can I get Creekside notices emailed to me?Simply register your name unit number, (optional phone number) and email with your strata agent at Rancho Management or go to to register.
Is there guest parking available at Creekside?Unfortunately there is no short-term parking. The carwash station on level one not considered guest parking. Vehicles parked there will be towed at owners expense. All guest vehicles which are parked in owners parking spots must clearly display the guest parking pass.
How do I book the social Room?(1) The Social Room may be booked for private functions by Owners/Occupants only. (2) All bookings are to be made through the Building Caretaker. (3) Please see rules for room rental fee. (4) A separate damage deposit of $200.00 will be required in addition to the rental fee, which will be refunded if the room and contents are left in a clean and undamaged condition. The payments are to be in cash or cheque in advance of the function date and paid to the Corporation care of the Building Caretaker. A ‘Lounge Condition Form’ acknowledging the booking and cleaning responsibility must also be signed at the time of booking. If the room is not cleaned by noon the following day, a cleaning fee will be subtracted from the deposit. Theft or damage to be paid by the offending Strata Lot, which can include but is not limited to carpet cleaning, appliance repair, furniture repair, painting, pool cue replacement etc. (5) Smoking, alcohol and pets are not permitted in the Meeting Room. (6) The production or reproduction of sound is permitted in moderation. (7) Please see rules for hours. (8) Persons using this facility do so at their own risk and release and indemnify the Strata Corporation and the managing agent from any and all claims from the use of this facility. How do I join the strata Council?
Can I rent my condominium on short term rental?An owner, tenant or occupant may not rent a strata lot for short-term rental defined as less than 30 days or face a $1000 per day fine.
Building Envelope and MaintenanceBuilding Envelope and Maintenance
Strata CouncilAny issues or concerns pertaining to neighbours, strata minutes, owner concerns etc please contact the strata council. One member will respond within 24 hours. Strata council:
Welcome to Creekside, the friendliest building in the neighbourhood. We know that between packing up your old place and moving in and setting up your new, you probably have a lot of things on your mind. When you finally have settled, we would encourage you to take some time to familiarize yourself with our bylaws, garbage and recycling, security and bike storage and parking rules. If you have any questions please contact the property manager or your strata council.
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