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Water Off Balconies

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Water Off Balconies

Reminder We have received a report of water flowing onto balconies from units above. Residents are reminded to not allow water to flow off their balconies when watering plants or cleaning their balcony. Water falling off your balcony causes a mess on neighbouring balconies and is a nuisance for other Residents as they try to use their own balconies. Please be courteous of your neighbours and ensure you do not have water pooling and falling off your balcony.

Please be reminded of the following bylaw:

Division 14 - Balconies and Patios (8) No mops or dusters of any kind shall be shaken and no refuse shall be thrown out of windows or doors or from a patio or balconies of a strata lot. No water or any liquid is to be spilt over individual balconies or out any windows.

Residents who continue to act in contravention will have bylaw fines imposed. Thank you for your attention and cooperation with this matter.



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