July 9, 2024
VAGRANCY - 1500hrs- back gate face south - male VAGRANT wearing black hoodie jacket, black pants, white shoes entered the area and stayed outside the building in front of east gate
1508hrs- dispatched guard
1527hrs - back gate face south - black car(guard's vehicle) entered the area and stopped - male guard came out and approached the male suspect afterwards male suspect stood up and walked away from the site out of camera view while male guard went back inside the car then drove away from the site out of camera view at back gate face north at 1529hrs
1532hrs - Main Door Up - male guard appeared on a camera view and patrolled the area
1532hrs - back gate face south - male VAGRANT(2) wearing red bucket hat, black long sleeves, black shorts, black shoes with brown backpack entered the area and stayed outside the building in front of the east gate
1532hrs - called guard to inform that there is another vagrant who stayed at the same area
1533hrs - back gate face south - male guard entered the area and approached the male suspect(2) to leave the site - male suspect stood up and walked through East Gate Outside, back gate facenorth then walked away from the site while male guard patrolled the area then remain postedÂ
1537hrs- received a call from guard and as per him he already removed the vagrants and the site is cleared
1537hrs- back gate face south - male guard left the area and walked away from the site out of camera view
- Tracy
