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Suspicious Camera Activity

July 15, 2023

1339hrs - Back Gate Face South - two male VAGRANTS - male(1) wearing white sando, purple gloves, black pants and black slippers while male(2) wearing black shirt, blue pants and white shoes with black handbag entered the area outside the building then stayed

1346hrs - Back Gate Face South - another male VAGRANT (3) wearing gray shirt, black pants and black shoes entered the area and approached the two SUSPECTS then stayed

1349hrs - called non - emergency with a file number VA23- 119903

1353hrs - Back Gate Face South - SUSPECT 1 left the area then walked away from the site at the upper left side of the screen while the two suspect still in the area

1417hrs - Back Gate Face South - police vehicle entered the area and stopped - police officer roll down the window and talked the two SUSPECTS afterwards they left the area then walked away from the site at the upper middle of the screen while the police vehicle drove away from the site at 1418hrs


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