April 11, 2023
3:36am East Gate Outside - male VAGRANT wearing black hat, black hooded jacket, yellow raincoat, black pants, black shoes with black backpack and bicycle entered the area and blocked the parkade gate afterwards left the area then walked through at Main Door UP and tried to opened the door of the building afterwards he walked towards into the bush and started to used drugs - called guard with call back number 604-749-4805
4:02am Main Door UP - gray car (guard's vehicle ) entered the area and stopped at upper left side of the screen out of camera view - male guard came out and approached the suspect to leave the area
4:05am Main Door UP - male suspect left his raincoat in the area then drove away from the site at Main Gate Outside at upper left side of the screen
4:07am Main Door UP - male guard went back inside the car afterwards left the area then drove away from the site Main Gate Outside at upper left side of the screen