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Suspicious Camera Activity

October 31, 2023

VAGRANT - 10:27pm - back gate face south - female wearing blue cap, black long sleeve, black pants, black shoes with a lighter and a bicycle entered the area and sat down outside the building then stayed 10:32 pm - dispatched guard

10:57pm - Main Door Up - male guard entered the area and walked out of camera view at middle left side of the screen moments later male guard appeared on camera view and walked towards the front door of the building then walked out of camera view at top side of the screen 10:59 pm - back gate face south - black car (guards vehicle) entered the area and parked at East Gate Outside - male guard came out and approached the suspect to leave the site

- Catherine

11:03pm - Back Gate Face South - female SUSPECT stood up and took her bicycle then drove away from the site while the guard went inside the black car parked at East Gate Outside then left the site at 11:05pm



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